Our Stories
You can leave a message or tell your story in the “Ein Stori/Our Story” section of this website. Please feel free to write in whichever language you choose – Welsh or English.
More about our stories →Arwydd in Welsh means “Sign” and you’re very welcome to join us on this online resource for users of Makaton through the medium of Welsh.
Adnodd ar-lein i rieni, gofalwyr, athrawon a thiwtoriaid sydd yn defnyddio Makaton drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Gallwch ddefnyddio’r wefan yn Saesneg o glicio ‘EN’ ar dop y dudalen.
Being able to communicate is a skill which many take for granted. Being able to learn how to communicate when there are difficulties is a basic human right. The purpose of this project is ensuring that everyone who needs it, children and adults, will have access to Makaton training in the Welsh language.
You can leave a message or tell your story in the “Ein Stori/Our Story” section of this website. Please feel free to write in whichever language you choose – Welsh or English.
More about our stories →Check out our Blog. The opening blog is about the creation of Dwylo'r Enfys and is written by the show's producer Nia Ceidiog. This will be a monthly Blog and will also feature guest bloggers.
Read our blog →You can link to The Makaton Charity from this website to find out about Welsh language Makaton courses, where they are and when there’s availability.
www.makaton.org →